/kick <channel> <nickname> [<reason>] - Kicks a user from a channel.
/kill <nickname> [<reason>]
/leave = /part
/m = /msg
/me - action
/msg <nickname> <message>
/msgq - Like /msg, but doesn't display your message on the screen
/mode - Displays and sets user and channel modes.
Channel Modes:
+t - Only channel operators can change topic
+n - You must be in the channel to send a message to it
+i - Invite-only. Only channel operators can invite users to this channel.
+m - Moderated. Only users with voice (channel mode +v) may speak.
+p - Private.
+s - Secret.
+l - A limit is placed on the number of people who may join this channel.
+k - Sets the channel password. You must know this password to join the channel.
+o - Channel operator. Gives you the ability to set channel modes and kick people from the channel.
+v - Voice. Allows you to speak on a moderated channel.
+b - Banned. If you are banned, you are prevented from joining the channel.
/names [<channel>]
/nick [<newnick>]
/notice <nickname|channelname> <message>
/noticeq - Like /notice, but doesn't display your message on the screen
/notify [[-]<nick>] - Adds or removes someone from the notify list for the current connection.
/onotice - Sends a notice to all the ops of the current channel.
/part [<#channel>] [<reason>] - leaves a channel, or the current channel if none specified.
/ping = /ctcp ping
/query <nick>
/quit = /exit
/quote = /raw
/time [<servername>] - returns the local time of the server you are connected to, or the server you specify.
/umode - same as /mode CurrentNick
/unixtime time - Converts a time in unix format to a human-readable format
/wh = /whois
/ww = /whowas
//command doesn't save in inputline scrollback. Good uses: //msgq x@channels.undernet.org login #yourchannel yourpass
Shortcuts tokens:
\n = return (to separate commands)
$channel = current target
$nick = current nick
$server = current server
$version = version of ShadowIRC you are using
$date = current date
$date.l = current date (long format)
$time = current time
$time.s = current time with seconds
$-> = set the cursor on the inputline at this position (e.g. "/ctcp $-> version" would let you hit a shortcut, type in someone's nickname, and hit return to version them, without having to position the cursor between /ctcp and version.)
$il = inputline text (useful when you want the text that's in the inputline, regardless of whether or not it's selected in the shortcut string)